Investor Relations

Sharjah Insurance is committed to enhancing its business operations in order to maximize shareholder value.  Sharjah Insurance has a strong track record of robust financial performance and healthy shareholder returns.  Through prudent risk-management and the implementation of new technologies, Sharjah Insurance continues to maintain its competitive position and to exploit its strong capitalization.

Updated Unpaid Dividend List

Investor Relationship Manager

Contact Details: +971 6 5195657


Link to Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) 

List of the Candidates for The Nomination of the Board Director Membership
عقد خدمات عضو مجلس إدارة
 Announcement of the opening of the nomination to the Board of Directors Membership
الإعلان عن فتح باب الترشيح لعضوية مجلس الإدارة
Invitation for Attending the Annual General Assembly Meeting Of Sharjah Insurance Company (Public Joint-Stock Company)

دعــــــوة لحضور اجتماع الجمعية العمومية السنوية

لشـــركـــــة الشارقة للتأمين  (شركـــة مساهمة عامة )

Reference Guide For the Nomination and Inclusion of Women on Boards of Directors

 دليل استرشادي لترشح ودخول المرأة لمجالس الإدارة

الدعوة المعدلة  لحضور اجتماع الجمعية العمومية لشركة الشارقة للتأمين
Amendment Invitation for attending the annual general assembly

Amendment Invitation for attending the AGM on 21.4.2022

دعوة لحضور اجتماع الجمعية العمومية لشركة الشارقة للتأمين وافصاح توضيحي بشأن اعتماد التوكيلات

دعوة لحضور اجتماع الجمعية العمومية لشركة الشارقة للتأمين وافصاح توضيحي بشأن اعتماد التوكيلات

Invitation for attending the annual general assembly and clarifying disclosure regarding the approval of agencies

Invitation for attending the annual general assembly and clarifying disclosure regarding the approval of agencies

التعديلات المقترحة على النظام الأساسي لشركة الشارقة للتأمين ش.م.ع

التعديلات المقترحة على النظام الأساسي لشركة الشارقة للتأمين ش.م.ع

 دليل حقوق المستثمرين في الأوراق المالية والمتوفر بالصفحة الرئيسية على الموقع الرسمي لهيئة الأوراق المالية والسلع حسب الرابط التالي:

The investors’ securities rights manual available at the main page of the official website of the Securities and Commodities Authority through the following link:

الإفصاح على موقع السوق عن التعديلات على النظام الأساسي للشركة

التعديلات المقترحة على النظام الأساسي لشركة الشارقة للتأمين

The legal framework for the protection of any minority investors

Know your rights

Unpaid Dividend List as of Q2 2020

Click here, for the list of shareholders who have Unclaimed Dividends.

Results of the Board Meeting held on 03-March-2020

Result of BOD held on 03-Mar-2020

Nineteeth issue of “Financial Markets Magazine” – the only regional magazine specializing in securities – Issued by Securities and Commodities Authority

مجلة أوراق مالية – العدد 19 (1)

Minutes of Board Meeting held on 17th Dec 2019

Minutes of BOD Meeting on 17-Dec-2019

Board Meeting to be held on 28th Nov 2019

Board Meeting Notice

SCA Survey Invitation

Dear Investors,

As part of its efforts to safeguard investor rights and promote the performance of UAE-based financial markets, the Securities and Commodities Authority has the pleasure to invite you to take part in an online survey intended to measure investors’ confidence. Your answers will be made anonymous and will help us improve our work and meet your aspirations. Please click on the link below to access the survey.

Participants in the survey will be entered in a draw and will have the chance to win valuable prizes. We do hope that you can find the time to participate.

Please find below the invitation from SCA:

SCA Survey Invitation

Sharjah Insurance General Assembly Results

Sharjah Insurance Company Board Meeting Results held on 23102019


Sharjah Insurance Financial Statements from 2014-2019

2019 Q3

2018 Q4

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